
the last time i tip toed my way to the weighing scale, i wasn't happy with the results. so i'm setting myself to a goal, a realistic goal. i think. it's time to lose some lbs. the plan is to force myself to exercise. my form would be a walk or a jog in the morning. but the weather here is making me lazy. geez... i'm not really into exercising and the last time i went to the gym, i gained weight. in hindsight, i was doing it all wrong. i would go to the gym to sweat all the calories off my body then eat like it was my last supper. i just can't help it. that was 4 0r 5 years ago.

so now, i want to change my habits and do the right thing. hopefully, i can also bring myself to blog all about my plans to reach my goal. to lose atleast 10lbs. help me God.

goodluck to me =)


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