sabbath day

out of the 7 days, tuesday was the sabbath according to my friend whom i shall refer to as akki.
this is how i spent my sabbath...

we met up at starbux katip then went to pier one at the fort. i was meeting the bestfriend of akki's girlfriend. the bestfriend was not at all good looking plus was way to old. we were supposed to train him how to have platonic relationships with girls. this was going to be fun i thought.

at pier one, i let akki order our drinks and i guess thats one of the things i'll never let akki do again... pseudo gentleman my first impression of the bestfriend. honestly, i never liked him the entire night. akki was right, he was one arrogant bastard who uses arrogance as his tactic to charm women. WTF? how loser can you get. probably he did not know the saying "if you're not that good looking, atleast try to compensate it by being super nice and charming to win over women". i was sorry for him. actually at first i was having a good time pissing him off, to think i just met him that night. it was a fun unearthing the inner bitch in me, i was on a roll. we were talking about marriage and the works. my take on it was i don't wanna get married and i don't believe in it anymore. apparently typical men can't take it when women has to say something, his idea of a marriage is so stereotypical, i never knew there are still guys out there like him. i cannot remember how it exactly happened but the conversation turned into a very heated argument. akki and the bestfriend were fighting. seriously, akki was brutally frank and i heard things which i thought was not appropriate for me to hear.

later that night i found out that our drinks had a mix of 16 types of liquiors and a beer. by the time it was time for me to go to work, i was half cut already. so i had to make i choice between go to work and get a warning for showing up drunk or not go to work and still get warning for not calling in sick 2 hours before my shift. the latter was an obviuous choice. . i had no time, no brain to think. i instanlty felt the guilt creep inside me as i ponder on the consequence that will slap me in the face the next day at work. the other half of me was glad i didn't have to work that night. wuhoo!! :/

what was supposed to be a 3 hour chitchat turned into a gimik all night. we ended up stalking somewhere in the metro but we were too drunk to think straight and correctly look at the map. (yes, we even had a map. haha). after surrending to the fact that we failed at our stalking escapade, we headed to the province ( akki's house is somewhere near tagaytay), watched a badly pirated copy of "exorcism of emily rose" to put us to sleep.


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