I hate Christmas December 25, 2004, 06:00

My first entry. This christmas sucks. I've done the most stupid thing anybody could have done in their entire life! I mistexted a message about my crush to my crush! Argh! Now its all so obvious. He knows everything. What am I to do? Just settle and wait and go back to my stupid self. My barkada is right I need a good flirting 101 lessos. Why couldnt I ask him "yosi tayo!" in our Christmas party. Its so damn simple!!! Just to get enough quality time with him. Now its botherig me forever...in my mind...in my sub concious...in my dreams..."yosi tayo". Thanks to this day another stupid incedent has happened...togther with that "yosi tayo" memory I'm left to ponder how stupid I was in texting him.."Tinext ako ni---- ng merry christm,as, wala lag". So obvious!! argh!


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